When you try to execute the "VB 2010" programs may be the following error message is displayed:
![]() Planet - CPU 3 |
![]() Planet - CPU 1 |
What the Planet application tests show is that CPU 3 is only better compared to CPU 1, when CPU 3 uses 2 Processors.
CPU 1 outperforms CPU 3 when CPU 3 uses 1, 3 or 4 Processors.
Planet Application listings: PlanetForm.vb and PlanetForm.Designer.vb
The program Planet is also based on the program VStest2 with certain modifications or additions. The program uses the following subroutines: Init, Test and Printa
To learn more about implementation details go to this document:Visual Basic 2010 Parallel Programming techniques
PlanetPP Application listings: PlanetPPForm.vb and PlanetPPForm.Designer.vb
For a general discussion about parallel programming and threads go here: Advantages and disadvantages . This document also contains comments about Wikipedia
The program uses two new variables: Holdst and Holdrev.
PlanetS Application listings: PlanetSForm.vb and PlanetSForm.Designer.vb
CPU 1 | CPU 2 | CPU 3 | |
P4 2.8 | P4 3.0 | M 460 i5 | |
CPU Benchmark | 415 | 491 | 2582 |
Planet1.xls | 2900 | 2500 - 1600 | 2200 |
What the results show is that the performance in the INTEL i5 M 460 CPU is the "not as expected", to say the least.
In the i5 CPU the EXCEL program is running under EXCEL 2007.
Excel 2007 supports Visual Basic and Macro's, however this is not obvious. In order to use Excel 2007 go to the ICON in the top left corner (near Start). Select ICON and goto the bottom right corner were you read: Excel options. Select the options and adjust the Ribbon selection.
For more detail read this:
What's new in Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
In that document is written:
CPU 1 | CPU 2 | CPU 3 | ||||||
P4 2.8 | P4 3.0 | M 460 i5 | ||||||
Planet | #10 | 6705 |
Planet | #100 | 89 |
PlanetPP | #10 | 7173 |
PlanetPP | #100 | 102 | 55, 50 |
PlanetS | #10 | 7020 | 5545 | |||||
PlanetS | #100 | 100 | 55 | 75 |
What those results indicate is that:
Created: 21 December 2010
Updated: 15 April 2010
Updated: 10 August 2012
Updated: 23 September 2015
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